Individual Natal Chart
Natal Chart Interpretation
Through a comprehensive interpretation of your individual natal chart, you will be provided astrological counseling in different areas of your life. The reading includes the transits and progressions to predict major events for the year until your birthday. This gives a holistic picture of who you are, where you have been, and where you are going. The reading will be tailored to your individual needs. More time will be spent on the areas that are most relevant to your current circumstances.
These details are used to create the horoscope: birth date (day, month, and year); exact birth time; and birth place.
Areas covered:
Personality traits
Overall life plan
Physical health
Mental health
Emotions and feelings
Family relations
Partners (love and business)
Esoteric and karmic talents and challenges
Spiritual development approach
Extended Readings
In addition to your natal chart, each of the readings below can be requested individually. These readings provide deeper insights, expanding upon your natal chart, giving clarity to your present-day awareness.
Please note that transits, progressions, and solar returns are automatically included in a standard natal chart reading. These can be updated every 6 months or year to check the evolution of the chart.
Transits: Identifies how the energies of the current positions of specific planets are affecting you.
Chart progression: Identifies important future events in a specific year, focusing on specific dates.
Solar return: Your present-day birthday chart using your current location. This chart provides a detailed blueprint for the next 12 months.
Lunations and eclipses: Identifies energies that stimulate changes brought by specific moon phases. Identify eclipses that are still actively influencing your chart.
Esoteric karmic analysis: Finding areas of your chart that provide information on levels of consciousness. This will give you an idea of your spiritual maturity and lessons still to learn.
Prenatal: Provides information on the astrological energies at the time of conception and their influence on the birth experience and subsequent life challenges and purpose.
Pro-luna: This is a method to identify where you are in the chart according to your age.